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Which plants help with mental health

Plants that Improve Mental Health

If you’ve spent time working with plants, you may have felt an improvement in your stress levels and an overall enjoyment of life. After all, house plants are a great hobby that provides enjoyment for many people. However, there are plants that have properties that can improve your mental health in other ways. Let’s take a look at some of the best plants for those wanting a mental health boost.

Aloe Vera

One of the most versatile and easiest to care for plants is aloe vera. This can help you in so many ways. You can use the plant to treat sunburns. It also helps to purify the air from chemicals. Additionally, it is simply a beautiful plant that is small enough to go anywhere. Try placing this one in the bathroom or a kitchen windowsill.


Lavender is used in a lot of products that help people relax or sleep; thus, it is no surprise that this one makes our list of house plants that improve mental health. Its fragrance has been found to reduce stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, placing it in your bedroom can help you sleep better at night, leading to a better mood.

Snake Plant

This is one many people may not be familiar with; however, snake plants are tall house plants that are great at absorbing a lot of volatile compounds that are often emitted by household items like flooring. You don’t need to water it much and it will look great in a corner or near a stairwell.


Many herbs are actually great for mental health, and rosemary is no exception. In addition to providing some herbs for your cooking, the smell of rosemary has been associated with producing lower levels of cortisol – the stress hormone – in your bloodstream. Plus, this plant’s small size makes it great for keeping in the kitchen or on an end table near a window.

Peace Lilly

NASA has done quite a bit of research into which plants are the best for helping control indoor air quality. Their results consistently found the peace lily to be at the top of the list. In addition to filtering out many chemicals, this house plant also is able to remove mold spores from the air. Thus, it is a great indoor house plant to have in living spaces. Plus, it’s beautiful to look at.

Spider Plant

Named for its resemblance to a spider but also sometimes called a ribbon plant, this plant only needs moderate sunlight and watering once a week. It has been found to remove things such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. It is also a plant that self-propagates, meaning you can share it with friends.

Lemon Balm

Another relatively easy plant to grow as a house plant, you can even keep lemon balm in a small ceramic plant pot. It doesn’t need much space. The leaves of this plant can be used in teas and have been shown to reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

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