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Top health benefits of houseplants

People enjoy house plants for many reasons. Having some greenery in your home is a great way to make it livelier and to feel a part of nature. Additionally, it’s just fun to have indoor plants. However, you may be surprised to find that there are also health benefits that come along with having house plants. Here are some of the biggest benefits for indoor gardeners.

Fresh Air

Ok, this one may not be surprising, but it is one of the biggest benefits. We probably all remember from middle school science class that plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. Thus, having some indoor planters will add more fresh air to your home. Research has even shown that plants remove volatile organic compounds from the air, one of the major causes of poor indoor air quality.

Reduced Stress

The existence of house plants does not necessarily lead to lower stress levels; however, research has shown that the act of working with plants causes decreases in stress as measured by lower heart rates and blood pressure. If you’ve potted a house plant in a ceramic plant pot or indoor planter, you may have noticed that this can be calming.

Better Productivity

The association between house plants and productivity seems unlikely, but house plants have repeatedly been found in studies to lead to improvements in productivity. This includes studies in university compute labs, workspaces, and even with logic problems. This could be a particularly good benefit if you find yourself currently working from home.

Overall Mental Health

Indoor spaces can often be impersonal. Adding a few indoor planters is a great way to overcome this. In fact, research at a Norwegian rehabilitation center compared patients who had plants placed in common areas versus those in an area without plants. The finding was a much greater increase in mental health over four weeks for those with indoor planters.

Physical Health Benefits

You probably know that plants are important in medications. In fact, some plants like aloe vera can help soothe irritated skin. However, simply having house plants in general can help your physical health. Indoor planters have been associated with shorter stays and lower needs for pain medication for hospital patients. Additionally, many indoor plants like basil, sage, thyme, and rosemary include components that can strengthen your immune system.

Better Focus

This particular entry needs a bit more study in order to confirm; however, initial studies have suggested that the presence of indoor house plants allows people to be more attentive with tasks such as studying. Thus, while this benefit is not completely confirmed, it is something you may notice if you decide to take up gardening indoors.

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